Google has added support for sale pricing examples and priceType property to the schema and markup in its Merchant listing documentation. Google said that this makes “it easier for merchants to specify sale pricing through structured data and bring parity with price features in Merchant Center.”
Sales pricing examples. Google added a new section to the Merchant listing documentation with sale pricing examples. Google wrote, “The following example shows a product with a sale price. The current, offer price automatically becomes a sale price when you provide a second price with the original, list price and mark it with a priceType property of value https://schema.org/ListPrice. Don’t mark the current, offer price with a priceType property.”
Here is a screenshot of the code:

priceType property. Google also added a new section to that document for the new priceType property. Google wrote, “Marks the full, original listing price of a product, if applicable. Only use this property if you want Google to show sale pricing for your product. You must set the priceType to the https://schema.org/ListPrice value (no other values are supported).”
Google also said, “If you use the priceType property to designate a list price, you must also provide a current sale price with the price or priceSpecification property. Don’t mark the current sale price with the priceType property. See the sale price example.”
Here is a screenshot:

Why we care. Google said this was done to “make it easier for merchants to specify sale pricing through structured data and bring parity with price features in Merchant Center.”
So if you have not implemented the priceType property or seen the sale pricing examples, show it to your developers to see where it makes sense to add.
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